Hey, that's Hayko Riemenschneider!
Light brings out the best in me - whatever its form.
For contact, think of a topic at hayko dot at.
linkedin - twitter - instagram - google scholar
As everything in life, this site will grow and be enriched with time.
I am interested in images, photography, computer vision products and research.
I've spent a few years learning, teaching and creating computer vision and machine *ehm* deep learning.
I like cooking and hiking and biking and generally a lot of activities.
Oh and, I also like maps and making 1) maps, 2) crafts and 3) lists. :p
Some possibly active projects:
* a collection of food recipes
* a collection of jump photos (needs an update)
* Yet Another Computer Vision Index to Datasets
* an attempt to understand the interaction of our lindyhop / swing dance figures (work in progress)
* Computer Vision Genealogy v1.0 beta
* general photography
* research papers and stuff
* VarCity project at ETH Zurich and its glorious video premiere: full movie and teaser